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Welcome From Our
Visionary Founder 

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Greetings my beloved Alpha Nu Omega Family: 


We are so honored that you have chosen to visit us today! 

In our world with academic-related issues, we are accustomed to struggling with tuition deadlines, juggling work and family schedules, and balancing financial obligations, while striving to maintain a healthy relationship with our God.  What we identified in 2020 as “normal” was suddenly disrupted with the arrival of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.  The areas of health, family, religion, economic status, education, etc. were all unexpectedly impacted.  


Miraculously, God’s grace sustained this organization and caused us to persevere.  We endured the turbulence of life, even amid loss and grief. What resilience! What a mind to overcome despite the odds!


As Visionary Founder, it has been a pleasure to labor beside my brothers and sisters through both the challenges and successes. With our new National President Brian Ajayi and the National Officers, I expect great things from this team of servants of our Most High God! 


VICTORY and Prosperity is in our view!  In the past years, the 3M’s were essential for our progress, namely, Ministry, Membership, and Money.  As this new administration has casted their vision, let us promote their vision of the 4C’s, namely, Character, Communication, Community, and Capital. 


  • In 2020, we accomplished MUCH!  

  • TOGETHER In 2021, we will accomplish even MORE! 


Why am I convinced that MORE ACCOMPLISHMENTS would occur? The LORD is still with us to uphold His holy name.... Alpha and Omega.  Hallelujah!  We are called by His name! 


Sincerely submitted with excitement,


Visionary Founder Shirley K. Russell

Meet Our Founders

Visionary Founder

Shirley K. Russell


Visionary Founder: Shirley K. Russell

Founding President: Joyce Mungo 
Founding Vice Presiden: Diedra Hooper (Green) 
Founding Secretary: Terrah Dews 
Founding Treasurer: Rosina Hardtman (Hayward) 
Founding Parliamentarian: Wilhelmina Jones 
Founding Chaplain: Beverly Adams 
Founding Public Relations Manager: Precious D. Ross (Morrison) 
Founding Booking Manager: Kelly Mack (Sanders)* 
Founding Historian: Demetria L. Newsome* 


Minnie Davis

Tonja Eaton
anda Carter (Nutt)
Rezlyn Wilson (Richardson)


Note: Maiden names of founders in parentheses

* indicates the founder is deceased


Founding President: Doral R. Pulley
Founding Vice President: Kyle E. Bacon*  
Founding Secretary: Thayer B. Robinson, Jr.
Founding Treasurer: Kevin Jones
Founding Parliamentarian: Maurice Williams*
Founding Chaplain: J. Donald Edwards, Jr. 
Founding Public Relations Manager: Kevin Gavin
Founding Booking Manager: Charles D. Bolden, II*


Keith Bennett 

James Eure, III
c Evans
Glen Fields*

Stacey Patterson*

Thomas Scott


Note: * indicates the founder is deceased

Alpha Nu Omega, Inc.

Shirley Russell | Visionary Founder

Brian A.D. Ajayi | National President


P.O. Box 39033, Baltimore, MD 21212

©2023 by Alpha Nu Omega, Incorporated® — All Rights Reserved.

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